
Scale Generator for Developers

Test of palette color

Test Cases for g-palette-color-scale

When set as primary, the color cannot be removed or unlinked, but it can be previewed (primary-color)

The primary color cannot be removed or unlinked, but still exposes its internal data and allows event listeners.

When set as linked-to-primary, the color can be removed, unlinked, and previewed and it's linked to the sibling primary (linked-to-primary)

Linked colors can linked to whatever is considered primary

When not primary nor linked, the color unlinked and can be removed or previewed, but not unlinked (unlinked-color)

Unlinked colors can be removed or previewed only

Using as a color-scale with exponential gradient (derive-color-scale-exp)

An exponential gradient will provide more variety and darker darks/lighter lights for the scale

When the base color changes, an event is fired (color-changed-event)

To know when the underlying base color changes, the base-color-changed event can be subscribed to